Televisionation Friday Fireside: Bitmovin’s Stefan Lederer on the Science of Streaming
July 1, 2021
Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.
This week’s edition of The Friday Fireside is pleased to welcome Stefan Lederer, CEO and Co-Founder of Bitmovin, a global leader in online streaming video technology, and winner of the 2021 Technology & Engineering Emmy Award for the “Development of Massive Processing Optimized Compression Technologies.” Stefan discusses Bitmovin’s origins and core mission to encode, play and analyze video content simply, efficiently with the highest quality user experience imaginable. We talk about modifying compression scene-by-scene: Ironman arguing with Captain America doesn’t require as much bandwidth as the two of them fighting and blowing things up! He also describes their current plans to emphasize live streaming, and he even teases our audience about a possible acquisition or two in the near future.