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The TV of Tomorrow Show


TVOT Returns to New York City: Times Square at the Hard Rock Café, November 21st (World Television Day)

ITVT is pleased to announce that The TV of Tomorrow Show (TVOT) will return to New York City on World Television Day, November 21st.

TVOT NYC 2024, our first New York show since 2019 (note: the first TVOT show was produced in San Francisco in 2007), will take place at a spectacular new location: The Hard Rock Café, 1501 Broadway, in Times Square. The show will pack all the excitement, insider insights, actionable information and world-class networking of our flagship San Francisco event into a highly focused, dialog-driven, one-day “intensive.”

TVOT events are distinguished above all by the quality of the speakers they attract and by the groundbreaking discussions and new ideas that those speakers generate and inspire. The events offer the chance not just to hear from, but to meet and network with, the people who are shaping the future of the television and advertising industries. TVOT NYC 2024 will bring together 100+ prominent speakers and panelists who are driving innovation in such areas as advanced advertising, audience measurement and research, attribution, audience-based buying, broadcast/local TV, FAST, AVOD, SVOD, AI, interactive programming, short-form content, influencer marketing, shoppable TV and beyond, to share unique insights into their work and the strategic thinking that guides it, and to explain and debate their respective visions for television’s future.

TVOT NYC 2024 will offer sponsors a range of highly effective ways to drive awareness of their company and its solutions, including the ability to deliver a keynote or present a panel to our audience of industry leaders, the ability to sponsor lunch, wifi, the cocktail party and other key elements of the event—and even the opportunity to display their branding and messaging on the Hard Rock digital marquee in Times Square! For more information on sponsoring TVOT NYC 2024, contact ITVT Editor-in-Chief, Tracy Swedlow at: or 415 608 4766.

We will be announcing TVOT NYC 2024’s speakers and sessions in the coming weeks; however, to give you a sense of the unparalleled quality of TVOT’s speaker line-up and editorial agenda, here are links to:



In order to facilitate networking and encourage productive discussions, TVOT shows are intimate events and seating is limited—so we strongly encourage you to register as soon as possible. To purchase your tickets, click here.

  • From September 1st through 30th, tickets will be priced at $775; from October 1st through 31st, they will be priced at $975; and from November 1st through 21st, they will be priced at $1,175.
  • Please note that we offer special group rates for companies sending two or more delegates. For more information on group discounts, click here.
  • In addition, we offer special rates for industry analysts, PR professionals, bootstrappers, students, people seeking new employment, and other qualified parties. For more information, contact Tracy Swedlow at or 415-608-4766.




TVOT NYC 2024 offers multiple sponsorship opportunities, each designed to ensure maximum marketing exposure for your company–at the event itself, in our ITVT newsletter, our Televisionation podcasts and our new TV CONNECT community, and on our Web sites and social media channels. If your company is interested in supporting the show, you have such options as:

  • becoming an TOMORROW GROUP Sponsor, a new “Leader of the Pack” sponsorship level that provides your company with major visibility at up to 3 TVOT shows; year-round prominence in our ITVT newsletter, our Televisionation podcasts, our TVOT CONNECT community and additional media properties; and many other influential, unique benefits;
  • becoming the TVOT NYC 2024 Presenting Sponsor, a role that not only gives your company a unique degree of visibility at the show—including the opportunity to display your brand and messaging on the Hard Rock digital marquee in Times Square—but provides numerous other benefits in addition;
  • becoming a Leader of the Track, allowing your company to raise its profile with TVOT’s audience of industry professionals by sponsoring a block of panels and keynotes in an area in which you are innovating (available topics include Audience Measurement, Attribution, Addressable Advertising, Local Broadcasting, AI, Streaming–or another topic that you prefer), as well as by presenting your own keynote and panel to introduce the track that you’re sponsoring;
  • organizing a Hot Topic panel or keynote session, focused on an industry issue of importance to your company;
  • becoming a Session Sponsor for one of our existing panels or keynotes;
  • having your company’s logo and branding featured prominently at the show, including on the venue’s large array of screens;
  • supporting live-streaming, in order to bring TVOT NYC 2024 to an international audience;
  • sponsoring breakfast, lunch, coffee/barista or snacks;
  • sponsoring the TVOT NYC 2024 Cocktail Party
  • and many other great sponsorship options

Moreover, we are very open to working with your marketing department to devise creative, custom sponsorship packages that are tailored to your company’s specific communications needs.

If you would like to find out more about sponsoring TVOT NYC 2024, email us at or call 415-608-4766.



We are now accepting speaker/panelist proposals, and welcome your suggestions for topics you would like to see covered on the event’s schedule. Uniquely among conferences, TVOT features an agenda that is developed through ongoing dialog with the industry. Please contact Tracy Swedlow, at or 415-608-4766, to discuss your proposal. Also, please note that ITVT is not a pay-for-play organization and that speakers do not have to pay any fee to participate in our TVOT events.

The ITVT editorial team develops the agenda for our TV of Tomorrow Show events through an extensive dialoguing process with the readership of the ITVT newsletter (which includes many key industry players), in order to ensure that each show covers all the issues that are currently of most pressing importance to the industry. As a result, we typically announce the agenda just a few weeks before each show.


The ITVT editorial team develops the agenda for our TV of Tomorrow Show events through an extensive dialoguing process with the readership of the ITVT newsletter (which includes many key industry players), in order to ensure that each show covers all the issues that are currently of most pressing importance to the industry. As a result, we typically announce the agenda just a few weeks before each show. However, some of the issues that we expect to explore at TVOT NYC 2024 include:

  • Addressable (linear and non-linear), programmatic, data clean rooms, audience-based buying and selling, GRPs, AI/ML, Blockchain, attention metrics, retail media networks, ad-supported tiers, short-form programming, ATSC 3.0/NEXTGEN TV, the TV OS, and more: Identifying and understanding the emerging technologies, platforms, monetization strategies, methodologies and media that will impact the television/video/advertising space going forward.
  • Reports from the field: How recent deployments of addressable TV, shoppable TV, DAI, creative versioning, programmatic advertising, audience-based buying and selling, ATSC 3.0/NEXTGEN TV, direct-to-consumer OTT S/AVOD and FAST offerings, interactive programming and advertising formats, artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML), Blockchain, social TV, programming-discovery technology, measurement and analytics currencies and techniques, and other advanced-TV/video innovations are faring in the real world; and what the success or otherwise of these deployments tells us about the business models for the TV of tomorrow. Which advanced-TV platforms, technologies, services and content offerings are attracting audiences and generating revenues today, how and why?
  • The ongoing challenges involved in accurately measuring and understanding TV viewership on non-traditional platforms; and how advertising and audience measurement are being reinvented in order to take into account the growth of cross-platform viewing, time- and place-shifting, the demise of cookies, and other ongoing developments.
  • The future of panels.
  • Understanding emerging measurement currencies: how should we expect them to evolve going forward, and what are the implications of a multi-currency marketplace?
  • Understanding the potential of CTV for the advertising ecosystem—how is CTV enabling new forms of measurement, new kinds of data, and new advertising formats?
  • The growth of CTV in the local market.
  • The increasingly important role that data and data collaboration are playing in television advertising: the new forms of data that are being generated by interactive, connected and social TV/video, and how brands, agencies, networks and other stakeholders can work together to take advantage of these data to make campaigns more targeted, more accountable and thus more effective.
  • Understanding outcomes: new developments in advertising attribution.
  • The significance of new industry-wide initiatives in the advanced-advertising and audience-measurement spaces. How much progress has been made, for example, towards developing common measurement standards?
  • Accelerating the transition from siloed buys to audience-based buying: how to get buyers to better understand audience-based buying’s benefits?
  • Following the money: Which services are viewers spending their money on and why?
  • Understanding the consequences (including the impact on programming strategies and content production) of the increasing importance of FAST and ad-supported tiers to the economics of streaming.
  • The emerging art of FAST curation: new tools and strategies for curating FAST channels to promote audience engagement and differentiation in the market
  • The new ATSC 3.0 (NEXTGEN TV) standard, and its potential to enable local broadcasters to generate new forms of data, offer new kinds of video and advertising services, and adopt new business models: will ATSC 3.0 put local broadcasters at the forefront of TV/video/advertising innovation?
  • New advanced-advertising and streaming initiatives from local broadcasters.
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in the advanced-TV space.
  • Understanding the art and science of brand safety.
  • The role that artificial intelligence (AI) will play in the evolution of TV/video advertising, audience measurement, data collaboration, content development, content discovery, and the viewing experience in general.
  • The roles that subscription-based, advertising-based and hybrid business models will play respectively in the future of streaming video.
  • How subscription-based OTT services can best address customer churn.
  • “Re-bundling” and other potential consequences of the increasing cost to the consumer of cord-cutting.
  • How to respond to the growing popularity of short-form entertainment, especially among younger audiences.
  • The role that in-car entertainment will play in the future of TV and video, as ridesharing and autonomous-vehicle technology become more widespread.
  • New developments in native advertising, branded entertainment, influencer marketing and episodic marketing–how are brands going about reaching an audience that has grown up with ad-skipping and ad-blockers?
  • The potential of tcommerce/shoppable TV–whether on pay-TV systems, connected TV’s, second-screen devices or social-media platforms–to change the economics of television and advertising.
  • The impact of new technologies (including deepfakes) and social media on the TV/video news business–and thereby on the body-politic at large.
  • The new programming formats and genres that are emerging natively on social-media platforms.
  • Understanding the respective roles now being played by X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, TikTok, Snap, Rumble and other social-media companies in the television and advertising spaces–what are those companies’ TV/video goals, how likely are they to achieve them, and what do other stakeholders need to do in order to survive and thrive alongside such powerful companies?
  • The implications of the incorporation of ACR and other “intelligent” technologies into connected TV’s–and the increasing role of intelligence in the TV ecosystem in general: What kinds of opportunities does truly smart television make possible?
  • How MVPD’s are revamping their platforms, services and business models in order to counter the threat posed by cord-cutting.
  • The changing nature of TV sports, including the implications of sports-free “skinny bundles” and of subscription-based sports programming services targeted at cord-cutters. What are the prospects for televised sports—and for regional sports networks (RSN’s) in particular—in an increasingly OTT TV ecosystem?
  • The implications for the television industry of the US Supreme Court decision that invalidated the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), thus opening up new opportunities for sports betting.
  • The question of whether, and to what extent, “Peak TV” has now peaked.
  • How questions of content discovery, navigation and personalization have become central to television’s future.
  • How to provide viewers with a simple, consistent and functional TV experience, across the multiple subscription-based and ad-supported, linear and on-demand, streaming and OTA services they are using.
  • The future of TV design: How to ensure that usability and high-quality design become a core element of the advanced-TV user experience, and not just an afterthought; strategies for designing consistent, cross-screen and cross-platform interactive video experiences; making the business case for good design; the complex and evolving relationship between design, data and content discovery/navigation; and the impact of new technologies and emerging consumer behavior on TV user interface design.
  • The emergence of natural user interfaces, including gesture- and voice-controlled interfaces, interfaces powered by facial recognition, and more.
  • Understanding international advanced-TV markets: opportunities and risks in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America and beyond.
  • The impact of data-privacy initiatives on the television/advertising/data/audience-measurement industries.
  • The current state of investment in the interactive/advanced TV space. How are new investment trends, such as crowdfunding and accelerators, impacting the industry?
  • The impact of Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) on the television business.
  • The latest tools for creating, delivering and testing interactive and multiplatform television.
  • The increasingly importance of fan communities in the development, promotion and monetization of programming.
  • New developments in content distribution.
  • New developments in the TV Operating System (TVOS) space, and their impact on content providers and other stakeholders—why is control of the TVOS becoming increasingly central to the industry?
  • How to reconceptualize advertising campaigns so that they engage viewers whose attention is dispersed across multiple screens.
  • How to ensure that programming, advertising and the institutions responsible for them reflect and are responsive to the emerging viewing habits and increasing diversity of today’s Millennial, Gen-Z and Gen-Alpha audiences and cultural influencers.
  • The new advertising formats that are emerging in response to ongoing changes in how we watch television.
  • The impact that the Supreme Court’s recent decision to strike down “Chevron deference” could have on the regulatory environment for television and advertising.
  • How to address the problem of CTV ad fraud.
  • The future of the Upfront model—are we seeing a fundamental and permanent shift in how television advertising is bought and sold?
  • How to identify, manage and monetize new social-video talent.
  • Recent and pending developments in interactive and advanced TV standards, and how these standards need to evolve going forward.
  • The ways in which the ongoing evolution of the TV/video industry is impacting the role of the showrunner.


In addition to our TVOT conferences, we produce custom, white-label in-person and virtual events for corporate clients, as well as Webinars and other video content. For more information, contact us at


TVOT NYC 2024 Sponsors

TMRW Corp.

Tracy Swedlow & Richard Washbourne

Tracy Swedlow and Richard Washbourne own TMRW Corp., the parent corporation, which produces the InteractiveTV Today (ITVT) Web site and The TV of Tomorrow Show (TVOT) executive conferences. We are headquartered in San Francisco, California.

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