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October 6, 2022

Special ITVT/TVOT Discount on Helen Katz’s “The Media Handbook”

ITVT is pleased to announce that we can offer subscribers to our ITVT newsletter and attendees of TVOT SF 2022 (October 12th and 13th in San Francisco) a 20% discount on the latest edition of Helen Katz’s indispensable book, “The Media Handbook: A Complete Guide to Advertising Media Selection, Planning, Research, and Buying” (Routledge, July 2022).

To receive the discount, simply go to and enter the code FLE22 at checkout.

The new (8th!) edition provides a practical introduction to the media planning and buying processes. It features a new chapter on how audiences are defined and created, reorganization of the media channel chapters to cover planning and buying together, expanded coverage of digital formats in all channels, added discussion of measurement, and completely updated data and examples throughout.

We’re also pleased to announce that Helen will be moderating the following two panels at TVOT SF 2022 (view the show agenda here; purchase your tickets here):

October 12th

Dining Room
How Not to Reinvent Wheels

The audience-measurement industry has been talking forever about the need for drastic change. Yet change has been incremental, slow, and painful. As we come to another potential crossroads and another shift in video measurement, what can we learn collectively from the past? This panel of experts will explore learning from past efforts, and advise on what we should and should not be doing as we reach a crucial point in US audience measurement. Panelists include:

  • Brian Fuhrer, SVP of Product Strategy and Thought Leadership, Nielsen
  • Helen Katz, EVP of Research, Publicis Media (Moderator)
  • Jesse Redniss, CEO, Qonsent
  • Jodie McAfee, SVP of Agency Partnerships, iSpot.TV
  • Josh Chasin, Chief Measurability Officer, VideoAmp
  • Michael Tuminello, VP of Strategy, Mediaocean
  • Sable Mi, VP of Analytics, Epsilon


October 13th


Measuring viewer attention to video ads is the latest bright shiny object. There are many players entering this measurement space, and much discussion about the relevance and value of the measurement. Is it just a fad or will it really change how advertisers plan and buy media? This panel will include representatives from several measurement companies in this space, as well as those who are evaluating and using attention metrics. Panelists include:

  • Helen Katz, EVP of Research, Publicis Media (Moderator)
  • John Brauer, VP of Insights and Analysis, Effectv
  • Julian Zilberbrand, EVP of Advanced Media, Paramount
  • Marc Guldimann, CEO, Adelaide
  • Todd Tran, Chief Strategy Officer, Teads
  • Yan Liu, CEO, TVision

TMRW Corp.

Tracy Swedlow & Richard Washbourne

Tracy Swedlow and Richard Washbourne own TMRW Corp., the parent corporation, which produces the InteractiveTV Today (ITVT) Web site and The TV of Tomorrow Show (TVOT) executive conferences. We are headquartered in San Francisco, California.

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