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Televisionation: Friday Fireside: Evan Tracey of NMRPP in Conversation with The iTV Doctor

May 8, 2020

Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry. Today the Friday Fireside, brought to you by Centriply, welcomes Evan Tracey, SVP for the GOP’s political ad agency, National Media Research, Planning & Placement (NMRPP). Evan provides, in a 14-minute chat, critical guidance for Q3 and Q4 2020 advertising. The compressed political ad spend is going to come to market exactly when commercial advertising returns. It’s a perfect storm for sellers. “Political buyers are going to run out of ways to buy television and cable in states where the presidential election is going to be decided,” he states. “Any screen, any video that’s out there is going to be sought-after, especially ones that come with a built-in voter demographic.” Evan also forecasts online rallies with “lots of squares in the Zoom boxes for a lot of these candidates” and (we had to see this coming) political facemasks! Subscribe to be notified of new Televisionation shows!

TMRW Corp.

Tracy Swedlow & Richard Washbourne

Tracy Swedlow and Richard Washbourne own TMRW Corp., the parent corporation, which produces the InteractiveTV Today (ITVT) Web site and The TV of Tomorrow Show (TVOT) executive conferences. We are headquartered in San Francisco, California.

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