Televisionation Friday Fireside: LiveRamp’s Gayatri Bhalla on Identity Graphs
August 12, 2021
Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.
If you ever wondered (but didn’t confess to anybody) how Identity Graphs can be used to target television advertising to EXACTLY the right audience, this week’s guest on The Friday Fireside—Gayatri Bhalla, Chief Evangelist for Advanced TV and General Manager of Political at LiveRamp—is for you! Gayatri indulges the good doctor’s questions by patiently explaining how the LiveRamp solution works, using a brand that specialized in left-handed baseball gloves: I asked, “Can you get to an audience of parents of left-handed baseball players?” Gayatri’s answer is clear and concise, befitting a Chief Evangelist. It’s the best four minutes of business television that you will watch this year (starts about 10 minutes in).