Televisionation Friday Fireside: Next Media Partners’ Kunkel, Falkner and Donoghue on the Metaverse
December 16, 2022
Televisionation: Friday Fireside, the #1 television industry Webcast, features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.
Today’s Friday Fireside comes to you from the Metaverse, courtesy of Gerard Kunkel, Chris Falkner and Patrick Donoghue of Next Media Partners. This project started as somewhat of a “Can we actually do it?” and morphed into a real discussion of what the Metaverse is, and what we need to do to get started. THE MOST IMPORTANT OBSERVATION, for which the good doctor can personally confirm the value, is YOU NEED TO GET STARTED IN THE METAVERSE NOW! Graphic images, as shown in this week’s Friday Fireside, can be pretty rudimentary; but that’s all you need to see the opportunities and let your imagination run wild.