Televisionation: Friday Fireside: Steve Reynolds of Imagine Communications with The iTV Doctor
May 29, 2020
ITVT – Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry. This week, the Friday Fireside welcomes Steve Reynolds, President of Imagine Communications. Steve goes into detail about how Imagine Communications is handing the massive amount of video being consumed during the Covid-19 pandemic, and how the company is planning for the anticipated Q3 onslaught of television advertising. But perhaps more entertaining was the prognostication of a local politician shoving his Size 12 Florsheim directly into his mouth, and a presidential candidate scrambling to run a TV spot to replace the endorsement of said local politician. Steve describes Imagine’s “xG Game Plan” as a way to anticipate and plan for such an eventuality; during our chat we simply called it “Whoops! What If?”