Televisionation: Friday Fireside: Yvette Kanouff in Conversation with The iTV Doctor
June 18, 2020
Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry. This week’s Friday Fireside features Yvette Kanouff, winner of the Television Academy’s 2020 Lifetime Achievement Emmy for her work in television technology at Time Warner’s Full Service Network, SeaChange, Cablevision and Cisco! Yvette is currently a partner at John Chambers’ Venture Capital Company, JC2 Ventures, where she and the team help and mentor their startups–from digital transformation to customer experience to Edge/IoT/5G. [Doctor’s note: John and Yvette’s personal attention is one of the greatest benefits for a startup to work with JC2].