Televisionation: Synacor’s Himesh Bhise on Driving Awareness of and Engagement with Video
July 15, 2020
ITVT/TVOT is pleased to present another episode of “Televisionation,” our new video/audio podcast exploring the advanced/interactive-TV industry in the Coronavirus/Covid-19 Era. This episode features Himesh Bhise, CEO of Synacor, a cloud-based software and services company that serves video, Internet and communications providers, discussing among other things the company’s software offerings and how they can be used to drive awareness of and engagement with video content, as well as help monetize that content. (Note: If you would like to share your thoughts on how the Coronavirus/Covid-19 crisis will change the TV and advertising industries, and tell us what your company—or you yourself—are doing to prepare for this new reality, please contact us at