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Televisionation: Virginia Juliano, Founder and CEO of Cobblecord, in Conversation with The iTV Doctor

October 9, 2020

TelevisionationFriday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry.
Our guest this week on the Friday Fireside is Virginia Juliano, Founder and CEO of Cobblecord—a free website and app that helps consumers “cobble together” their perfect combination of online streaming services to get the most out of streaming and cut the cable cord. Using its patented process, CobbleCord easily guides individuals through the ever-growing list of online streaming services available and enables them to create their own personalized “Meta-Bundle”—the best combination of online streaming options for their personal preferences—all in one convenient location.

TMRW Corp.

Tracy Swedlow & Richard Washbourne

Tracy Swedlow and Richard Washbourne own TMRW Corp., the parent corporation, which produces the InteractiveTV Today (ITVT) Web site and The TV of Tomorrow Show (TVOT) executive conferences. We are headquartered in San Francisco, California.

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