Televisionation: Amy Bobchek of Advocado in Conversation with The iTV Doctor
August 14, 2020
Televisionation: Friday Fireside features Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, in conversation with prominent figures from the advanced-TV/video industry. Let it not be said that TV isn’t fun! This week’s Friday Fireside guest is Amy Bobchek, cable advertising veteran and Chief Revenue Officer of Advocado. Mixed with our chat about consumer trends, hot categories and Advocado Stress Balls (available if you ping Amy), Amy describes Advocado’s fast-growing capability to connect advertisers’ digital campaigns to their TV commercials (instantly, in real time), drastically improving results and increasing efficiency. She says that Advocado goes beyond attribution and influences consumer behavior during the crucial micro-moment that begins when a TV commercial airs. (Note: We will be producing our first virtual TVOT show, September 8th, 9th and 10th! Check out the speaker roster here. Purchase your tickets here.)