When discussing measurement in our industry, practitioners tend to think in terms of one or the other of two approaches: output-based media measurement, which focuses on audience, in-target reach, frequency, viewability—often referred to as “currencies”; and outcome-based measurement, tied to business objectives such as sales, site visitation, viewership and other forms of conversion.
There are plenty of experts on both sides—and a whole lot more debates, with the participants’ views naturally influenced by the part of the business they represent. As a consequence, we seldom evaluate both sides of the measurement coin with a more unified view. Each side seems to operate without connecting to the other, harming brands’ ability to optimize. And when the two sides have to join together, the implementation is often forced and mismatched, and the result is confusion and inaction. It’s time to recalibrate our thinking and approach the two sides of the measurement coin together. Join a group of measurement experts for an open discussion. Panelists include: