Televisionation: Philip Gilpin, Jr. CEO/Executive Director, Catalyst Story Institute
September 20, 2022
ITVT/TVOT is pleased to present a new episode of “Televisionation,” our video/audio podcast exploring the advanced/interactive-TV industry.
This episode features Philip Gilpin, Jr., CEO and Executive Director of the Catalyst Story Institute, a Duluth, Minnesota-based organization that aims to “advance the literary and visual arts by generating long-term professional career opportunities for storytelling artists.” The organization produces an annual content festival in Duluth, which allows creators of episodic and narrative works, such as TV series, Web series and podcasts, to showcase their work to industry executives, agents and producers. Among other things, Gilpin explains the Institute’s origins in the ITV Fest, which was originally based in LA (and subsequently moved to Vermont); discusses the various services it provides in addition to its content festival, including workshops on how to pitch and market content; and casts light on its plans for the future.